Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society  

July 25, 2022  

The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, July 25th at 10:00 a.m.  In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Sue Buxmann, Dan Meyers, Marcela Johnson, Ruth  Brunner, and Judy Firestien.  

Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.  Monthly Reports/Approvals  

June Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on June 27, 2022 were reviewed.  Sue moved and Dan seconded the Minutes be approved as presented. Motion carried.  

Treasurer’s Report – Kristie stated there had not been much change to the financials. Dues  for two additional memberships were received which would bring the balance in the checking  account to $11,844.32. The balance in savings would still be about $23,522.89. There were  

two new bills to be paid; $355 for creation of rack cards and printing of 250 cards and the  small ad for the Visit Windsor publication which was $239.40 which included a discount/credit  of $159.60; total for both invoices would be $594.40.  

Dan is out of cards and Severance Days is coming up. Harvest Festival is also coming up  and the Farm Tour should appear in the Windsor Activity Guide soon. 250 Rack cards could  be printed for $145. There are 10 people signed up for the October Tour. It was decided  more rack cards should be printed if the sign up for the tour is under 50% and for use at other  upcoming events. Kristie would check with Laura on the tour sign up numbers.  

Membership Status – A membership had been renewed online but funds were not showing  up in Paypal. Sue would follow up. For the membership mailing, about $600 had been spent  which had brought in about $2,700 giving the Society a net amount received of over $2,000.  

Old Business 

Family Farm Tour Update – A “test run” of the Farm Tour would take place on Wednesday,  July 27th. Anyone who wanted to participate could meet at Judy’s Farm at 11:00 a.m. to drive  the proposed route and see how much time this takes and what interesting things could be  pointed out along the way with a loop past the Museum. A list of rules might also be put  together for participants. There should also be a script or narrative to be used on the buses  for leading participants and giving accurate history on places pointed out along the way.  There is still time to think about food and maybe do something specific for young kids. Dan  would be happy to provide bottled water on the buses.  

Legends and Lessons Event – November 6, 2022 – Inductees into “Hall of History” – There  was discussion about having three inductees into the Hall of History this year who had been  featured in a video or had been instrumental in the organization. It was decided initial  inductees would be Sue Buxmann, Marge Straube and Harold Stoll (posthumously) with  Sandy Brug also in memory/posthumously. Names would be announced to encourage family  members to attend. Bios on how inductees served the Society would be included. Kristie 

would recreate the mailer and postcard from last year and provide the names of inductees to  Laura to be sure their videos are available.  

2022 Video Projects – The Windsor High School class of 1972 would be happy to have Ruth  interview people at one of their events. The Society might want to provide Ruth with some  specific questions to be asked. Bruce Florquist declined to be interviewed as he felt he was  not as historic as some of the people who had been interviewed. Another suggestion for a  video interview was Tom Buxmann; Ruth would contact him. Dan and Marcela would try to  find a Severance person. Another interviewee suggestion would be Vern Rutz.  

Tails of Tailholt 2 – The book idea would be put on the “back burner” for now with the idea  that it would need to be outsourced. Dan has a call in to Severance High School and CSU  but has not heard anything back. 

Windsor News – Laura was not in attendance.  

Severance News – Severance Days is coming up on August 19-21. More rack cards would  be gotten to Dan to hand out. Severance has been promoting the Farm Tour through its  website and newsletter.  

Easel and picture WSHS promotion in a business – Dan will ask Town Hall if the easel  and picture could be displayed there. There is also a small rack for displaying membership  information.  

Commerce City is still interested in having a meeting but it will most likely be in  September/October.  

Kristie also suggested getting a student club involved in the Society and making students  “Junior History Buffs” to try to get students and young people more involved and possibly  interest their parents. This could help to add more participants to the Society and create the  next generation. There was further discussion on ways to get students involved such as co chairing activities, helping with the tours, or partnering with the Town to give historical tidbits  such as detailing three significant people in Windsor history at one of their summer programs  to help us tell our story. There might also be a junior level of membership.  

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be August 22, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was  adjourned at 11:08 a.m.  


Respectfully submitted,  

Judy Firestien, Secretary