Minutes of The Windsor-Severance Historical Society
September 26, 2022
The Windsor-Severance Historical Society met in person on Monday, September 26th at 10:00 a.m. In attendance were Kristie Melendez, Sue Buxmann, Dan Meyers, Marcela Johnson, Gary Martin and Judy Firestien.
Call to Order – Kristie Melendez called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. Monthly Reports/Approvals
August Minutes – The Minutes from the previous meeting on August 22, 2022 were reviewed. Sue moved and Dan seconded the Minutes be approved as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – Kristie reported on bank balances from the August 17, 2022 bank statement stating the balance in checking was $12,095.03. The balance in savings was $23,524.96. Two bills were paid; Windsor Chamber of Commerce for $225 and $65 for the design work for the ad for the Visit Windsor publication. Kristie thought the Society was in good shape.
Membership Update and Status – Sue did not have anything to report on Membership. Old Business
Family Farm Tour Update – October 9, 1 to 5 pm – Dan talked a bit about “lessons learned” with regard to dates for a tour; maybe a Sunday in October is better and also having easier access to registration might be helpful. The picture and easel will be placed at TDK bank next and then the Severance Chamber will move it around to other businesses. The picture is displayed to create awareness of the Society and encourage membership. A group to contact in the future for the Farm Tour would be homeschool kids. There may be Facebook groups that are specific to people who home school or have alternative schooling for their kids. There has been great support from Severance on the Tour. The last date for registration will be Friday, October 7. Kristie will ask Laura to post on Facebook, let her know about the registration date and ask for a count on participants; adults and kids. Kristie will handle lunch and will get some pizzas with salad, drinks, and cookies and deliver to the farm around 4:00 p.m. Kristie will also bring books for sale and postcards for the upcoming Legends and Lessons event. Judy shared a booklet she had put together with information on historic sites along the tour route. It would also be nice to have a pumpkin for each person to take away. Judy had arranged for a contact to talk about the ditch and the ditch will still be running that day. Another contact will be bringing sheep for a mini petting zoo and there may be a pumpkin man visiting the farm. If Kathy at Tigges Farms would donate pumpkins that would be great or the Society could purchase some. Ruth might be available to take some video and Dan would take pictures for use in the future.
Legends and Lessons Event – November 6, 2022 – Kristie had started putting the postcard together for the event and will get that mailed out to members and others who attended last year. Around 100 could be printed for a mailing and it would be nice to print some extras to have them available to pass out. It was agreed inductees should be mentioned on the
postcard so everyone knows who is being inducted. Kristie offered to get refreshments from Costco; such as a meat and cheese tray, veggie tray, fruit tray, and something sweet and the peach wine everyone liked. Maybe High Hops would donate beers again. There were also ideas discussed with regard to putting the names on something, such as a plaque to be located somewhere near the museum buildings at Boardwalk Park, by the Eaton house, or near the Art and Heritage Center. To print and mail the postcards would be a cost of about $300-400, which the Board approved. Something would be created for posting on Facebook, etc.
2022 Video Projects – Ruth was able to capture video of the Windsor High School class of 1972 and is planning to meet with Casey Johnson to talk about the Harvest Festival. Kristie asked for questions from the Board that could be asked of Casey be sent to her before October 11. History to preserve would be how, when, and why the festival started, original organizers, things that happened over the years that would have been notable, and events that were part of the celebration such as a county fair, carnival, etc.
Windsor News – Laura was not in attendance.
Severance News – Dan reported the Severance Town Council is very busy. He also mentioned there are two old, dilapidated buildings north of the Tailholt development in an area called Franklin Place which is going to be commercial development and a church. One of the buildings is occupied. The other one needs a lot of work but they would like to move it to the open field north of Franklin Lake in Tailholt. Dan asked about house/building movers. If it could be moved, it could be renovated into a meeting room or historic building with displays. Maybe some information on the building could be found in title information. Dan just wanted to mention it as a thought.
New Business
Commerce City Meeting – Commerce City Historical Society has been rescheduled for the October meeting.
Kristie also reported some research had been done into the piece of property next to the Creamery, Lot 12, which had been discovered recently was still owned by the WSHS. She had talked with an appraiser who had given a free estimate and thought it might be valued at about $17,000 based on values of other nearby properties and the assessor value of $10 per square foot with the lot being about 1,698 square feet. On its own it is unbuildable and only has value being assembled with the other parcels. At some point, the WSHS might want to get that value out of the parcel for use by the organization.
Next Meeting – The next meeting will be October 24, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 11:08 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Firestien, Secretary