The WSHS met on May 29, 2018 at the Art and Heritage building with Caitlin Huesser, Luke Bollinger Sandy Brug, Gloria Gaslin, Marge Straube, Kristie Melendez, Hal Pearson, Sue Buxmann , Marcia Will-Clifton and Laura from the museum.
The minutes were approved.
The current bank statement was read.
Sue reported that 20 more bricks were placed before Memorial Day. A few were out of place and will be taken care of. Mark from Colorado Stonecrafts is charging $18 a brick which is a discount from what he quoted us originally.
We will sell books and bricks at the first concert and all town BBQ on June 7, 2018.
June 15-16 volunteers from United Way will help us with our garage sale from 9 to 12. It will be posted on our face book, web site and the town’s web site.
Sandy signed the contract with the town and Austin. We are waiting for the check from the town so we can send the first payment to Austin. The completion date has been set for the end of the year. Maybe celebrate it at Windsor Wonderland.
Marcia presented a letter for businesses interested in displaying our picture of the statue. Because the statue will not be done till later in the year we probably won’t start this until Sept. Marge moved for Marsha to buy two easels and a table for the display. SAC
We need to get our address changed soon for many reasons.
The Windsor Now is now defunct which is very sad for Windsor. They are trying to publish a magazine for Windsor. Emily at the tribune still wants to do some stories about us. Sandy will be in contact with her.
We adjourned to check the creamery contents and look at the new bricks around the statue.
Sue Buxmann, secretary